Summer PLAR Challenge – Grade 10 to 12 Courses
Students attending a YRDSB secondary school may receive credits through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Challenge by successfully completing a formal evaluation and accreditation process. These students already possess the knowledge and skills as outlined in the Curriculum documents provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education (PPM129).
MPLAR – Mature Students
Mature students who are 18 years of age or older on or after January 1st of the current school year and who are enrolled in a program for the purposes of obtaining their Ontario Secondary School Diploma, may apply to have some secondary school credits granted under the Ministry of Education’s PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) program (PPM132). These credits are awarded based on up to four assessment packages and/or “prior learning” through work experience, job related training programs, or education received outside Ontario or Canada. Following the MPLAR assessment, students will receive information showing the number of credits that can be awarded (up to 26).